Kinoshita, Gaku


Department of Earth and Planetary Science 

Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

1st year master student in Yoshioka Laboratory


Email: g-kinoshita20686 at

Room: 4E5, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building (Kashiwa Campus)  


Research Theme: Analysis of Solar Activity Using Radiation Data from the Mercury Orbiter Mio.

    The Mercury orbiter Mio is currently on its way to Mercury, aiming to be injected into Mercury orbit in 2025. Mio’s main target is Mercury, but data acquired during the cruise in interplanetary space is also attracting attention for the following reasons.

  • Sending a probe into the inner heliosphere, where Mercury is located, is difficult due to its potential, and there have been a few observations.
  • Multiple probes, such as the Parker Solar Probe and the Mars probe MAVEN, are

deployed at the same time and dispersed in the radial direction of the solar system. This is putting in place a system that can track spatial changes in interplanetary space phenomena.

  • The peak of the Sun’s 11-year cycle activity will occur in 2025, when Mio will be injected into Mercury.

    I am studying coronal mass ejections and solar energetic particles using radiation data acquired by the Solar Particle Monitor (SPM), a radiation observation instrument onboard Mio.