Superviser:Takeshi Imamura, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka


※ Click here to see the 2018 records.

Click here to see the 2017 records.



8th, Apr.  Introduction



18th, Apr.   

     ◆Speaker1: Mr. Zhang

      Title: ‘Application of Delay Line Detector in Extreme Ultraviolet Observation’

     ◆Speaker2: Mr. Izumida

      Title: ‘ハビタブルな惑星と地球外生命体の存在’(学部での研究の紹介)

     ◆Speaker3: Mr. Omura

      Title: ‘ピラミッド構造を持つ層状Co酸化物の熱電効果への寄与’(学部での研究の紹介)

     ◆Speaker4: Mr. Ono

      Title:  ‘液体中における人工感覚上皮デバイスの振動特性計測’(学部での研究の紹介)



23rd, Apr.

     ◆Speaker1: Ms. Nomura

      Title: ‘TES型X線マイクロカロリメータの性能向上に向けたマッシュルーム型吸収体の開発’(学部での研究の紹介)

     ◆Speaker2: Mr. Akadama

      Title: ‘セレス表面に存在する有機物の年代推定’(学部での研究の紹介)

     ◆Speaker3: Mr. Nishimura

      Title: ‘宇宙開発利用に向けた無電源吸着式ポンプの定量評価’



25th, Apr.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Yonemoto

  Title: ‘Progress of Absorption Cell Development’ (吸収セル開発の進捗)

 ◆Speaker2: Mr. Fukuba

  Title: ‘Construction of impact testing machine for small satellites and evaluation of mechanical resistance of MCPs by the impact test’

 ◆Speaker3: Mr. Chiba

  Title: ‘Derivation of the density matrix’(学部での研究の紹介)



9th, May

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Yonemoto

  Title: ‘Progress of Absorption Cell Development’ (吸収セル開発の進捗)



9th, May

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Katsuse

  Title: ‘Evaluation of radiation tolerance of electronics parts used for the ultra-small mission’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Suzuki.Y.

  Title: ‘Contribution of Thermal Desorption and Ion Sputtering for Hermann Sodium Exosphere’ 



6th, Jun.  

 ◆Speaker:  Dr. Oyama



20th, Jun.  

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Mori

  Title: ‘Gravity wave packets detected in radio occultation temperature profiles of the Venus atmosphere’ 



27th, Jun.  

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Mori

  Title: ‘Gravity wave packets detected in radio occultation temperature profiles of the Venus atmosphere’ 



4th, Jul.  

 ◆Speaker:  Ms. Hikida

  Title: ‘Observational study on mechanism for time variation of radiation from the Io plasma torus associated with volcanic activity on Io’ 



11th, Jul.  

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Y. Suzuki

  Title: ‘Various Processes of Generation of Hermann Exosphere’ 



18th, Jul.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Fukuya

  Title: ‘Wind field at the cloud top of Venus covering all local time obtained from thermal infrared images’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Nara

  Title: ‘Formation of the Y Feature at the Venusian Cloud Top by Planetary-scale Waves and the Mean Circulation: Analysis of Venus Express VMC Images ‘ 



25th, Jul.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Izumida

  Title: ‘放射線耐性菌D.radioduransに関する論文紹介’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Ono

  Title: ‘ゲッター研究を通して学び,成長したこと’ 



5th, Sep.  

 ◆Speaker:  Prof. Yoshikawa

  Title: ‘超小型衛星群の自律計測に関する基盤技術の開発 ーSmart GSの普及を目指してー’ 



25th, Sep.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Muto

  Title: ‘回転不変位相限定相関法を用いた 雲追跡’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Zhang

  Title: ‘???’ 



2rd, Oct.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Ms. Hikida

  Title: ‘Dynamics in Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere revealed by EUV spectroscopic observations’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Akadama

  Title: ‘エウロパにおける宇宙風化シミュレーション’ 



9th, Oct.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Nara 

  Title: ‘Studies of atmospheric waves on Venus using continuous cloud images’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Chiba

  Title: ‘Quasi-periodic density fluctuation of the solar corona and its solar activity dependence studied by radio occultation’ 



30th, Oct.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Mr. Yonemoto

  Title: 「彗星の水素同位体比観測観測に向けた吸収セルイメージャーの開発」

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Sato

  Title: 「機械学習・パターン認識の漁業への応用」



13rd, Nov.  

 ◆Speaker1:  Ms. Nomura

  Title: ‘???’ 

 ◆Speaker2:  Mr. Fukuya

  Title: ‘Cloud morphology and wind field at the cloud top of Venus studied with thermal infrared images’ 



20th, Nov.  

 ◆Speaker:  Ms. Nomura

  Title: ‘???’ 



27th, Nov.  

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Y.Suzuki

  Title: ‘Contribution of environment for the generation of Hermean neutral exosphere.’

 ◆Speaker:  Mr. Omura

  Title: ‘Atomic oxygen measurement by resonance lamp’