吉岡 和夫 


東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科

基盤科学研究系 複雑理工学専攻 講師

教員紹介:吉岡 和夫 よしおか かずお/講師/基盤科学研究系

E-mail:kazuo.yoshioka at edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp



惑星探査, 宇宙空間物理学, アストロバイオロジー




researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/kylj0701/



  • Morota, T., Sugita, S., Cho, Y., Kanamaru, M., Tatsumi, E., Sakatani, N., Honda, R., Hirata, N., Kikuchi, H., Yamada, M., Yokota, Y., Kameda, S., Matsuoka, M., Sawada, H., Honda, C., Kouyama, T., Ogawa, K., Suzuki, H., Yoshioka, K., Hayakawa, M., Hirata, N., Hirabayashi, M., Miyamoto, H., Michikami, T., Hiroi, T., Hemmi, R., Barnouin, O. S., Ernst, C. M., Kitazato, K., Nakamura, T., Riu, L., Senshu, H., Kobayashi, H., Sasaki, S., Komatsu, G., Tanabe, N., Fujii, Y., Irie, T., Suemitsu, M., Takaki, N., Sugimoto, C., Yumoto, K., Ishida, M,, Kato, H., Moroi, K., Domingue, D., Michel, P., Pilorget, C., Iwata, T., Abe, M., Ohtake, M., Nakauchi, Y., Tsumura, K., Yabuta, H., Ishihara, Y., Noguchi, R., Matsumoto, K., Miura, A., Namiki, N., Tachibana, S., Arakawa, M., Ikeda, H., Wada, K., Mizuno, T., Hirose, C., Hosoda, S., Mori, O., Shimada, T., Soldini, S., Tsukizaki, R., Yano, H., Ozaki, M., Takeuchi, H., Yamamoto, Y., Okada, T., Shimaki, Y., Shirai, K., Iijima, Y., Noda, H., Kikuchi, S., Yamaguchi, T., Ogawa, N., Ono, G., Mimasu, Y., Yoshikawa, K., Takahashi, T., Takei, Y., Fujii, A., Nakazawa, S., Terui, F., Tanaka, S., Yoshikawa, M., Saiki, T., Watanabe, S., and Tsuda, Y., (2020), Sample collection from asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2: Implications for surface evolution, Science 368, 654-659.
  • Arakawa, M., Saiki, T., Wada, K., Ogawa, K., Kadono, T., shirai, K., Sawada, H., Ishibashi, K., Honda, R., Sakatani, N., Iijima, Y., Okamoto, C., Yanao, H., Takagi, Y., Hayakawa, M., Michel, P., Jutzi, M., Shimaki, Y., Kimura, S., Mimasu, Y., Toda, T., Imamura, H., Nakazawa, S., Hayakawa, H., Sugita, S., Morota, T., Kameda, S., Tatsumi, E., Cho, Y., Yoshioka, K., Yokota, Y., Matsuoka, M., Yamada, M., Kouyama, T., Honda, C., Tsuda, Y., Watanabe, S., Yoshikawa, M., Tanaka, S., Terui, F., Kikuchi, S., Yamaguchi, T>, Ogawa, N., Ono, G., Yoshikawa, K., Takahashi, T., Takei, Y., Fujii, A., Takeuchi, H., Yamamoto, Y., Okada, T., Hirose, C., Hosoda, S., Mori, O., Shimada, T., Soldini, S., Tsukizaki, R., Iwata, T., Ozaki, M., Abe, M., Namiki, N., Kitazato, K., Tachibana, S., Ikeda, H., Hirata, N., Noguchi, R., and Miura, A., (2020), An artificial impact on the asteroid (162173) Ryugu formed a crater in the gravity-dominated regime, Science 368, 67-71.
  • 福場惇哉,吉岡和夫,桑原正輝,吉川一朗,振子式衝撃試験装置の性能評価およびMCPの衝撃耐性評価(2020),宇宙航空研究開発機構開発報告,JAXA-RR-19-005, 1-28.
  • Nara, Y., Imamura, T., Masunaga, K., Lee, Y. J., Terada, N., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Seki, K., Yoshikawa, I., Yamada, M., and Watanabe, S., J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 125, e2019JE006192, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006192.
  • Hikida, R., Yoshioka, K., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Kimura, T., Bagenal, F., Schneider, N., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Kita, H., Nerney, E., Yoshikawa, I., (2019), Spatially asymmetric increase in hot electron fraction in the Io plasma torus during volcanically active period revealed by observations by Hisaki/EXCEED from November 2014 to May 2015, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 125(3), XXXX-XXXX. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027100 (基盤B 19H01948)


  • Kita, H. Kimura, T., Tao, C., Tsuchiya, F., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Yoshioka, K., Ebert, R., W., Wilson, R., J., Allegreini, F., Clark G., Connerney, J. E. P., Gladstone, G. R., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M., (2019), Jovian UV aurora’s response to the solar wind: Hisaki EXCEED and Juno observation, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 124, 10209-10218. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA026997. (基盤B 19H01948)
  • Koga, R., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Smith, T., H., Bagenal, F., (2019), Transient change of Io’s neutral oxygen cloud and plasma torus observed by Hisaki, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 124, 10318-10331. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA026877. (基盤B 19H01948)
  • Preusker, F., Scholter, F., Elgner, S., Matz, K.-D., Kameda, S., Roatsch, T., Jaumann, R., Sugita, S., Honda, R., Morota, T., Tatsumi, E., Cho, Y., Yoshioka, K., Sawada, H., Yokota, Y., Skatani, N., Hayakawa, M., Matsuoka, M., Yamada, M., Kouyama, T., Suzuki, H., Honda, C., Ogawa, K., The MASCOT landing area on asteroid (162173) Ryugu -Stereo-photogrammetric analysis using images of the ONC cameras onboard the Yahabusa2 spacecraft, Astronomy & Astrophysics 632, L4.
  • Scholten, F., Preusker, F., Elgner, S., Matz, K.-D., Jaumann, R., Biele, J., Hercik, D., Auster, H.-U., Hamm, M., Grott, M., Grimm, C., Ho, T.-M., Koncz, A., Schimtz, N., Trauthan, F., Kameda, S., Sugita, S., Honda, R., Morota, T., Tatsumi, E., Cho, Y., Yoshioka, K., Sawada, H., Yokoya, Y., Sakatani, N., Hayakawa, M., Matuoka, M., Yamada, M., Kouyama, T., Suzuki, H., Honda, C., Ogawa, K., The descent and bouncing path of the Hayabusa2 lander MASCOT at asteroid (162173) Ryugu, Astronomy & Astrophysics 632, L3, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201936757.
  • Funase, R., Ikari, S., Miyoshi, K., Kawabata, Y., Nakajima, S., Nomura, S., Funabiki, N., Ishikawa, A., Kakihara, K., Matsushita, S., Takahashi, R., Yanagida, K., Mori, D., Murata, Y., Shibukawa, T., Suzumoto, R., Fujiwara, M., Tomita, K., Aohama, H., Iiyama, K., Ishiwata, S., Kondo, H., Mikuriya, W., Seki, H., Koizumi, H., Asakawa, J., Nishii, K., Hattori, A., Saito, Y., Kikuchi, K., Kobayashi, Y., Tomiki, A., Torii, W., Ito, T., Campagnola, S., Ozaki, N., Baresi, N., Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Kuwabara, M., Hikida, R., Arao, S., Abe, S., Yanagisawa, M., Fuse, R., Masuda, Y., Yano, H., Hirai, T., Arai, K., Jitsukawa, R., Ishioka, E., Nakano, H., Ikenaga, T., Hashimoto, T., (2019), Mission to Earth–Moon Lagrange Point by a 6U CubeSat: EQUULEUS, IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Magazine, in press
  • Hirata, N., Morota,T., Cho, Y., Kanamaru, M., Watanabe, S., Sugita, S., Hirata, N., Yamamoto, Y., Noguchi, R., Shimaki, Y., Tatusmi, E., Yoshioka, K., Sawada, H., Yokota, Y., Sakatani, N., Hayakawa, M., Matsuoka, M., Honda, R., Iijima, Y., (2019), The spatial distribution of impact craters on Ryugu, Icarus, 338, 113527.
  • Yao, Z. H., Grodent, D., Kurth, W. S., Clark, G., Mauk, B. H., Kimura, T., Bonfond, B., Ye, S.-Y., Lui, A. T., Radioti, A., Palmaerts, B., Dunn, W. R., Ray, L. C., Bagenal, F., Badman, S. V., Rae, I. J., Guo, R. L., Pu, Z. Y., Gérard, J.-C., Yoshioka, K., Nichols, J. D., Bolton, S., Levin, S. M., (2019), On the relation between Jovian aurorae and the loading/unloading of the magnetic flux: simultaneous measurements from Juno, HST and Hisaki, Res. Lett. 46, 11632-11641, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL084201. (基盤B 19H01948)
  • Barucci, M. A., Hasselmann, P. H., Fulchignoni, M., Honda, R., Yokota, Y., Sugita, S., Kitazato, K., Deshapriya, J. D. P., Perna, D., Tatsumi, E., Domingue, D., Morota, T., Kameda, S., Iwata, T., Abe, M., Ohtake, M., Matsuura, S., Matsuoka, M., Hiroi, T., Nakamura, T., Kouyama, T., Suzuki, H., Yamada, M., Sakatani, N., Honda, C., Ogawa, K., Hayakawa, M., Yoshioka, K., Cho, Y., Sawada, H., Takir, D., Vilas, F., Hirata, N., Hirata, N., Tanaka, S., Yamamoto, Y., Yoshikawa, M., Watanabe, S., and Tsuda, Y., (2019), Multivariable statistical analysis of spectrophotometry and spectra of (162173) Ryugu as observed by JAXA Hayabusa2 mission, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 629, A13.
  • Michikami, T., Yamada, M., Cho, Y., Miyamoto, H., Hayakawa, M., Honda, C., Tsuda, Y., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., Yokota, Y., Hirata, N., Tanaka, S., Kikuchi, H., Suzuki, H., Hirabayashi, M., Sugita, S., Noguchi, R., Irie, T., Hagermann, A., Kawamura, M., Hemmi, R., Watanabe, S., Sakatani, N., Morota, T., Honda, R., Sugimoto, K., Sawada, H., Ogawa, K., Matsuoka, M., Hirata, N., Noguchi, T., Ernst, C., Tatsumi, E., Yoshikawa, M., Nomura, K., and Kouyama, T., (2019), Boulder size and shape distributions on asteroid Ryugu, Icarus 331, 179-191, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.05.019.
  • Tsuchiya, F., Arakawa, R., Misawa, H., Kagitani, M., Koga, R., Suzuki, F., Hikida, R., Yoshioka, K., Steffl, A., Bagenal, F., Delamere, P., Kimura, T., Kasaba, Y., Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., and Yoneda, M., (2019), Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki satellite from 2013 to 2016, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 124(5), 3236-3254. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026038
  • Hirabayashi, M., Tatsumi, E., Miyamoto, H., Komatsu, G., Sugita, S., Watanabe, S., Scheeres, D., J., Barnouin, O., S., Michel, P., Honda, C., Michikami, T., Cho, Y., Morota, T., Hirata, N., Hirata, N., Sakatani, N., Schwartz, S., R., Honda, R., Yokota, Y., Kameda, S., Suzuki, H., Kouyama, Y., Hayakawa, M., Matsuoka, M., Yoshioka, K., Ogawa, K., Sawada, H., Yoshikawa, M., and Tsuda, Y., (2019), The Western Bulge of 162173 Ryugu Formed as a Result of a Rotationally Driven Deformation Process, Astrophysical Journal Letters 874:L10, https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0e8b.
  • Kitazato, K., Milliken, R. E., Iwata, T., Abe, M., Ohtake, M., Matsuura, S., Arai, Takehiko, Nakauchi, Y., Nakamura, T., Matsuoka, M., Senshu, H., Hirata, Naru, Hiroi, T., Pilorget, C., Brunetto, R., Poulet, F., Riu, L., Bibring, J.-P., Takir, D., Domingue, D. L., Vilas, F., Barucci, M. A., Perna, D., Palomba, E., Galiano, A., Tsumura, K., Osawa, T., Komatsu, M., Nakato, A., Arai, Tomoko, Takato, N., Matsunaga, T., Takagi, Y., Matsumoto, K., Kouyama, T., Yokota, Y., Tatsumi, E., Sakatani, N., Yamamoto, Y., Okada, T., Sugita, S., Honda, R., Morota, T., Kameda, S., Sawada, H., Honda, C., Yamada, M., Suzuki, H. Yoshioka, K., Hayakawa, M., Ogawa, K., Cho, Y., Shirai, K., Shimaki, Y., Hirata, Naoyuki, Yamaguchi, A., Ogawa, N., Terui, F., Yamaguchi, T., Takei, Y., Saiki, T., Nakazawa, S., Tanaka, S., Yoshikawa, M., Watanabe, S., Tsuda, Y., (2019), The surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy, Science 364, 272-275, 10.1126/science.aav7432.
  • Watanabe, S., Hirabayashi, M., Hirata, N., Hirata, N., Noguchi, R., Shimaki, Y., Ikeda, H., Tatsumi, E., Yoshikawa, M., Kikuchi, S., Yabuta, H., Nakamura, T., Tachibana, S., Ishihara, Y., Morota, T., Kitazato, K., Sakatani, N., Matsumoto, K., Wada, K., Senshu, H., Honda, C., Michikami, T., Takeuchi, H., Kouyama, T., Honda, R., Kameda, S., Fuse, T., Miyamoto, H., Komatsu, G., Sugita, S., Okada, T., Namiki, N., Arakawa, M., Ishiguro, M., Abe, M., Gaskell, R., Palmer, E., Barnouin, O. S., Michel, P., French, A. S., McMahon, J. W., Scheeres, D. J., Abell, P. A., Yamamoto, Y., Tanaka, S., Shirai, K., Matsuoka, M., Yamada, M., Yokota, Y., Suzuki, H., Yoshioka, K., Cho, Y., Tanaka, S., Nishikawa, N.,  Sugiyama, T., Kikuchi, H., Hemmi, R., Yamaguchi, T., Ogawa, N., Ono, G., Mimasu, Y., Yoshikawa, K., Takahashi, T., Takei, Y., Fujii, A., Hirose, C., Iwata, T., Hayakawa, M., Hosoda, S., Mori, O., Sawada, H., Shimada, T., Soldini, S., Yano, H., Tsukizaki, R., Ozaki, M., Iijima, Y., Ogawa, K., Fujimoto, M., Ho, T.-M., Moussi, A., Jaumann, R., Bibring, J.-P.,  Krause, C., Terui, F., Saiki, T., Nakazawa, S., Tsuda, Y. (2019), Hayabusa2 arrives at the carbonaceous asteroid 162173 Ryugu—A spinning top–shaped rubble pile, Sceience 364, 268-272, 10.1126/science.aav8032.
  • Sugita, S., Honda, R., Morota, T., Kameda, S., Sawada, H., Tatsumi, E., Yamada, M., Honda, C., Yokota, Y., Kouyama, T. Sakatani, N., Ogawa, K., Suzuki, H., Okada, T., Namiki, N., Tanaka, S., Iijima, Y., Yoshioka, K., Hayakawa, M., Cho, Y., Matsuoka, M., Hirata, N., Hirata, N., Miyamoto, H., Domingue, D., Hirabayashi, M., Nakamura, T., Hiroi, T., Michikami, T., Michel, P., Ballouz, R.-L., Barnouin, O. S., Ernst, C. M., Schröder, S. E., Kikuchi, H., Hemmi, R., Komatsu, G., Fukuhara, T., Taguchi, M., Arai, T., Senshu, H., Demura, H., Ogawa, Y., Shimaki, Y., Sekiguchi, T., Müller, T. G., Hagermann, A., Mizuno, T., Noda, H., Matsumoto, K., Yamada, R., Ishihara, Y., Ikeda, H., Araki, H., Yamamoto, K., Abe, S., Yoshida, F., Higuchi, A., Sasaki, S., Oshigami, S., Tsuruta, S., Asari, K., Tazawa, S., Shizugami, M., Kimura, J., Otsubo, T., Yabuta, H., Hasegawa, S., Ishiguro, M., Tachibana, S., Palmer, E., Gaskell, R., Corre, L. Le, Jaumann, R., Otto, K., Schmitz, N., Abell, P. A., Barucci, M. A., Zolensky, M. E., Vilas, F., Thuillet, F., Sugimoto, C., Takaki, N., Suzuki, Y., Kamiyoshihara, H., Okada, M., Nagata, K., Fujimoto, M., Yoshikawa, M., Yamamoto, Y., Shirai, K., Noguchi, R., Ogawa, N., Terui, F., Kikuchi, S., Yamaguchi, T., Oki, Y., Takao, Y., Takeuchi, H., Ono, G., Mimasu, Y., Yoshikawa, K., Takahashi, T., Takei, Y., Fujii, A., Hirose, C., Nakazawa, S., Hosoda, S., Mori, O., Shimada, T., Soldini, S., Iwata, T., Abe, M., Yano, H., Tsukizaki, R., Ozaki, M., Nishiyama, K., Saiki, T., Watanabe, S., Tsuda Y. (2019), The geomorphology, color, and thermal properties of Ryugu: Implications for parent-body processes, Science 364, eaaw0422, 10.1126/science.aaw0422.
  • Kita, H., Misawa, H., Bhardwaj, A., Tsuchiya, F., Murakami, G., Tao, C., Kimura, T., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto M. (2019), Short-term variation in the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Jovian radiation belt obtained from GMRT and Hisaki EXCEED observations, Astrophysical Journal Letters 872:L24, https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0427.
  • Kimura, T., Yamazaki, A., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Tsuchiya, F., Kita, H., Tao, C., Yoshikawa, I., and Yamauchi, C. (2019), Development of ground pipeline system for high-level scientific data products of the Hisaki satellite mission and its application to planetary space weather, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 9, A8, https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2019005.
  • Tatsumi, E., Kouyama, T., Suzuki, H., Ymada, M., Sakatani, N., Kameda, S., Yokota, Y., Honda, R., Morota, T., Moroi, K., Tanabe, N., Kamiyoshihara, H., Ishida, M., Yoshioka, K., Sato, H., Honda, C., Hayakawa, M., Kitazato, K., Sawada, H., and Sugita, S. (2019), Updated inflight calibration of Hayabusa2’s optical navigation camera (ONC) for scientific observations during the cruise phase, Icarus 325, 153-195, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.01.015.
  • 吉岡和夫, 桑原正輝, 疋田伶奈, 荒尾昇吾, 吉川一朗, 超小型探査機搭載に向けた汚染防止用蓋開閉システムの開発, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告JAXA-RR-18-007, 1-9, 2019.


  • Suzuki, F., Yoshioka, K., Hikida, R., Murakami, G., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., and Yoshikawa, I., Co-rotation of Bright Features in the Io Plasma Torus, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. in press
  • Yoshioka, K., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Fukuyama, D., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M., The influence of Io’s 2015 volcanic activity on Jupiter’s magnetospheric dynamics, Res. Lett. 45, 10193-10199, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079264.
  • Tsuchiya, F., Yoshioka K., Kimura, T., Koga, R., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Kagitani, M., Tao, C., Suzuki, F., Hikida, R., Yoshikawa, I., Kasaba, Y., Kita, H. Misawa, H., and Sakanoi, T., Enhancement of the Jovian Magnetospheric Plasma Circulation Caused by the Change in Plasma Supply from The Satellite Io, Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 123, 6514-6532, doi.org/10.1029/2018JA025316.
  • Hikida, R., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Kimura, T., Tsuchiya, F., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., and Iwagami, N. (2018). Identification of Extreme Ultraviolet Emission Lines of the Io Plasma Torus Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED, Geophys. Res. Planets, 123, 1723-1731, doi.org/10.1029/2018JE005629.
  • Koga, R., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani M., Sakanoi, T., Yoneda, M., Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Smith, H. T., Bagenal, F., (2018). Spatial Distribution of Io’s Neutral Oxygen Cloud Observed by Hisaki, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, doi:10.1029/2018JA025328.
  • Kimura, T., Hiraki, Y., Tao, C., Tsuchiya, F., Dlamere, P., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Kita, H., Badman, S., Fukazawa, K., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M., (2018). Response of Jupiter’s Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Volcanic Eruptions at Io, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, doi: 10.1002/2017JA025029.
  • Kuwabara, M., Taguchi, M., Yoshioka, K., Ishida, T., de Oliveira, N., Ito, K., Kameda, S., Suzuki, F., and Yoshikawa, I. (2018). Evaluation of hydrogen absorption cells for observations of the planetary coronas, Review of Scientific Instruments, Sci. Instrum., 89, 023111-1-10, doi:10.1063/1.5007812.
  • Tao, C., Kimura, T., Fuminori, T., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Badman, V. S., Misawa, H., Kita, H. Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa. I., and Fujimoto, M. (2018). Variation of Jupiter’s aurora observed by Hisaki/EXCEED: 3. Volcanic control of Jupiter’s aurora, Res. Lett., 45, 71-79, doi:10.1002/2017GL075814.
  • Kameda, S., Ikezawa, S., Sato, M., Kuwabara, M., Osada, N., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., Taguchi, M., Funase, R., Sugita, S., Miyoshi, Y., and Fujimoto, M., Ecliptic North-South Symmetry of Hydrogen Geocorona, Res. Lett., 44, 11,706-11,712, doi:10.1002/2017GL075915.
  • Nara, Y., Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Kimura, T., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Kuwabara, M., and Iwagami, N. (2018). Extreme Ultraviolet Spectra of Venusian Airglow Observed by EXCEED, Icarus, in press
  • Koga, R., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Yoneda, M., Yoshioka, K., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., and Smith, T. T. (2018). The time variation of atomic oxygen emission around Io during a volcanic event observed with Hisaki/EXCEED, Icarus, 299, 300-307. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.07.024


  • Tsuchiya, F., Yoshioka, K., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Tao, C., Kita, H., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Kasaba, Y. (2017), Three-year of observations of Jupiter’s aurora and Io plasma torus variabilities by earth orbiting extreme-ultraviolet spectroscope HISAKI, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 869, Issue 1, article id. 012069, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/869/1/012069.
  • Hozumi, Y., Saito, A., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., and Chen, C.-H. (2017). Global distribution of the He+ column density observed by Extreme Ultra violet Imager on the International Space Station, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122(7), 7670-7682. doi:10.1002/2016JA023534
  • Yoshikawa, I., Suzuki, F., Hikida, R., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Tsuchiya, F., Tao, C., Yamazaki, A., Kimura, T., Kita, H., Nozawa, H., and Fujimoto, M. (2017). Volcanic activity on Io and its influence on the dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere observed by EXCEED/Hisaki in 2015, Earth, Planets and Space, 69(1), doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0700-9
  • Cho, Y., Kameda, S., Okuno, M., Horiuchi, M., Shibasaki, K., Wagatsuma, R., Aida, Y., Miura, Y. N., Yoshioka, K., Okazaki, R., and Sugita, S. (2017). Experimental characterization of elastometric O-rings as reusable seals for mass spectrometric measurements: Application to in situ K-Ar dating on Mars, Space Res., 60, 1453-1462.
  • Kimura, T., Nichols, J. D., Gray, R. L., Tao, C., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Badman, S. V., Tsuchiya, F., Yoshioka, K., Kita, H., Grodent, D., Clark, G., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M. (2017). Transient brightening of Jupiter’s aurora observed by the Hisaki satellite and Hubble Space Telescope during approach phase of the Juno spacecraft, Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL072912.
  • Yoshioka, K., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Kagitani, M., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Kuwabara, M., Suzuki, F., Hikida, R., Yoshikawa, I., Bagenal, F., and Fujimoto, M. (2017). Radial variation of sulfur and oxygen ions in the Io plasma torus as deduced from remote observations by Hisaki, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 2999-3012, doi:10.1002/2016JA023691.
  • Kuwabara, M., Yoshioka, K. Murakami, G., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Yamazaki, A., and Yoshikawa, I. (2017). The geocoronal responses to the geomagnetic disturbances, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 1269-1276, doi:10.1002/2016JA023247.
  • Masunaga, K., Seki, K., Terada, N., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tao, C., Leblanc, F., and Yoshikawa, I. (2017). Dawn-dusk difference of periodic oxygen EUV dayglow variations at Venus observed by Hisaki, Icarus, 292, 102-110.
  • 奥野衛, 吉岡和夫, 三浦弥生, 長勇一郎, 斉藤義文, 杉田精司, 火星探査におけるネオン測定に向けた分別膜の性能評価, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-16-009, 1-14, 2017.
  • 桑原正輝, 吉岡和夫, 村上豪, 鈴木文晴, 疋田伶奈, 吉川一朗, ヨウ化セシウムを蒸着したマイクロチャンネルプレートの感度の安定性に関する研究, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-16-011, 1-10, 2017.
  • 疋田伶奈, 吉岡和夫, 村上豪, 桑原正輝, 吉川一朗, ひさき衛星搭載の極端紫外分光撮像装置(EXCEED)の回折格子の性能評価, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-16-010, 1-14, 2017.


  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Nishimura, T., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M. (2016). The plasmapause formation seen from meridian perspective by KAGUYA, Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA023377.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Tao, C., Kita, H., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Uemizu, K., Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M. (2016). Response of Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere to the solar wind derived from extreme ultraviolet monitoring of the Io plasma tours, Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071675.
  • Cho, Y., Kameda, S., Miura, Y., Saito, Y., Yokota, S., Kasahara, S., Okazaki, R., Yoshioka, K., Shibasaki, K., Oishi, T., and Sugita, S. (2016), Conceptual Design of an In Situ K-Ar Isochron Dating Instrument for Future Mars Rover Missions, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan 2016., 14, Pk_89-94, doi:10.2322/tastj.14.Pk_89.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Suzuki, F., Hikida, R., Yamazaki, A., Kimura, T., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Uemizu, K., Tao, C., Nozawa, N., Kasaba, Y., and Fujimoto, M. (2016), Properties of hot electrons in the Jovian inner magnetosphere deduced from extended observations of the Io Plasma Torus, Res. Lett., 43, 11,552-11,557, doi:10.1002/2016GL070706.
  • Tao, C., Kimura, T., Badman, S. V., Andre, N., Tsuchiya, F., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., YAMAZAKI, A., and Fujimoto, M. (2016), Variation of Jupiter’s Aurora Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED: 2. Estimations of Auroral Parameters and Magnetospheric Dynamics, Geophys. Res., Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JA021272.
  • Tao, C., Kimura, T., Badman, S. V., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Tsuchiya, F., André, N., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Shiota, D., Tadokoro, H., and Fujimoto, M. (2016), Variation of Jupiter’s aurora observed by Hisaki/EXCEED: 1. Observed characteristics of the auroral electron energies compared with observations performed using HST/STIS, Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JA021271.
  • Kita, H., Kimura, T., Tao, C., Tsuchiya, F., Misawa, H., Sakanoi, T., Kasaba, Y., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M. (2016), Characteristics of solar wind control on Jovian UV auroral activity deciphered by long-term Hisaki EXCEED observations: Evidence of preconditioning of the magnetosphere?, Res. Lett., 43, 6790-6798, doi:10.1002/2016GL069481.
  • Kimura, T., Kraft, R. P., Elsner, R. F., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Gladstone, G. R., Tao, C., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Vogt, M. F., Masters, A., Hasegawa, H., Badman, S. V., Roediger, E., Ezoe, Y., Dunn, W. R., Yoshikawa, I., Fujimoto, M., and Murray, S. S. (2016), Jupiter’s X-ray and EUV auroras monitored by Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite, Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JA021893.
  • Badman, S., Bonfond, B., Fujimoto, M., Gray, R., Kasaba, Y., Kasahara, S., Kimura, T., Melin, H., Nichols, J., Steffl, A., Tao, C., Tsuchiya, F., Yamazaki, A., Yoneda, M., Yoshikawa, I., and Yoshioka, K. (2016), Weakening of Jupiter’s main auroral emission during January 2014, Res. Lett., 43, 988-997, doi:10.1002/2015GL067366.


  • Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Yoshioka, K., Kimura, T., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Nozawa, H., Kasaba, Y., Sakanoi, T., Uemizu, K., and Yoshikawa, I. (2015), Local electron heating in the Io plasma torus associated with Io from HISAKI satellite observation, Geophys. Res., 120, 10317-10333, doi:10.1002/2015JA021420.
  • Masunaga, K., Seki, K., Terada, N., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Kagitani, M., Tao, C., Fedorov, A., Futaana, Y., Zhang, T., Shiota, D., Leblanc, F., Chaufray, J-Y., and Yoshikawa, I. (2015), Periodic variations of oxygen EUV dayglow in the upper atmosphere of Venus: Hisaki/EXCEED observations, Geophys. Res., Planets, 120, 2037-2052, doi:10.1002/2015JE004849.
  • Kimura, T., Badman, S. V., Tao, C., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Bonfond, B., Steffl, A., J., Masters, A., Kasahara, S., Hasegawa, H., Yoshikawa, I., Fujimoto, M., and Clarke, J. T. (2015), Transient internally-driven aurora at Jupiter discovered by Hisaki and the Hubble Space Telescope, Res. Lett., 42(6), 1662-1668, doi:10.1002/2015GL063272.


  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Kimura, T., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Uemizu, K., Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa, I., and Fujimoto, M. (2014), Evidence for Global Electron Transportation into the Jovian Inner Magnetosphere, Science 345(6204), 1581-1583, doi:10.1126/science.1256259.
  • Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Sakanoi, T., Uemizu, K., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Kagitani, M., Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa, I., Terada, N., Kimura, T., Sakai, S., Nakaya, N., Fukuda, S., and Sawai, S. (2014), Field-Of-View guiding camera on the HISAKI (SPRINT-A) satellite, Space Science Reviews, 184(1-4), 259-274.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Terada, N., Kimura, T., Kuwabara, M., Fujiwara, K., Hamaguchi, T., and Tadokoro, H. (2014), Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation measurement for planetary atmospheres/magnetospheres from the Earth-orbiting spacecraft (Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscope for Exospheric Dynamics: EXCEED), Space Science Reviews, 184(1-4), 237-258.
  • Uji, K., Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., and Yamazaki, A. (2014), Observations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and Plasmasphere from International Space Station, Transactions of the Japan society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 12(ists29), Tn_47-Tn_50.
  • 吉川一朗, 吉岡和夫, 桂華邦裕, 江副祐一郎、太陽系プラズマの観測技術 -撮像観測-, プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 第90巻12号, 786–788, 2014.


  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Tsuchiya, A., Kagitani, M., Sakanoi, T., Kimura, T., Uji, K., and Yoshikawa, I. (2013), The extreme ultraviolet spectroscope for planetary science, EXCEED, Planetary and Space Science, 85, 250-260.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Kagitani, M., Taguchi, M., Kikuchi, M., Kameda, S., and Nakamura, M. (2013), Plasmaspheric filament: an isolated magnetic flux tube filled with dense plasmas, Res. Lett., 40, 250-254.


  • Yoshioka, K., Homma, T., Murakami, G., and Yoshikawa, I. (2012), High Sensitivity MCP Detectors for Space EUV Missions, Sci. Instrum., 83, 083117-1-6.
  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Maria, J.-L., Mariscal, J.-F., Rouanet, N., Mine, P.-O., and Quémerais, E. (2012), Optical performance of PHEBUS/EUV detector onboard BepiColombo, Space Res., 49, 1265-1270.
  • Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Murakami, G., Sakai, K., and Homma, T. (2012), Feasibility study of EUV spectroscopic observation of the Io plasma torus from the Earth-orbiting satellite EXCEED, Space Sci., 62, 104-110.
  • 長勇一郎, 諸田智克, 三浦弥生, 亀田真吾, 吉岡和夫, 他25名, その場年代計測装置による月惑星年代学探査, 日本惑星科学会誌, Vol. 21, No.3, 267-275, 2012.


  • Yoshikawa, I., Homma, T., Sakai, K., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Sakanoi, T., and Saito, A. (2011), Imaging observation of the Earth’s plasmasphere and ionosphere by EUVI of ISS-IMAP on the International Space Station, IEEJ Trans. Fund. Mater., 131, 1006-1010.
  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., and Yoshikawa, I. (2011), Hot electron component in the Io plasma torus confirmed through EUV spectral analysis, Geophys. Res. 116, A09204.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Murakami, G., Ogawa, G., Yoshioka, K., Obana, Y., Taguchi, M., Yamazaki, A., Kameda, S., Nakamura, M., Kikuchi, M., Kagitani, M., Okano, S., Miyake, W. (2011), Plasmaspheric EUV image seen from the lunar orbit: Initial Result of Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope onboard KAGUYA spacecraft, Geophys.. Res., 115, A04217.
  • Murakami, G., Sakai, K., Homma, T., Yoshioka, K., Yoshikawa, I., Ichimaru, S., and Takenaka, H. (2011), Performance of Y2O3/Al multilayer coatings for the He-II radiation at 30.4 nm, Sci. Instrum., 82, 033106-1-4.


  • Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Ogawa, G., Ueno, M., Yamazaki, A., Uemizu, K., Kameda, S., Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Terada, M., and Kasaba, Y. (2010), THE EXCEED MISSION, Geosci., 25, 29-41.
  • Tsuchiya, F., Kagitani, M., Terada, N., Kasaba, Y., Yoshikawa, I., Murakami, G., Homma, T., Sakai, K., Yoshioka, K., Yamazaki, A., Uemizu, K., Kimura, T., and Ueno, M. (2010), Plan for observing magnetospheres of outer planets by using the EUV spectrograph onboard the SPRINT-A/EXCEED mission, Geosci., 25, 57-71.
  • Kagitani, M., Taguchi, M., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., and Okano, S. (2010), Variation in lunar sodium exosphere measured from lunar orbiter SELENE (Kaguya), Space Sci., 58, 1660-1664.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Obana, Y., Yoshioka, K., Ogawa, G., Yamazaki, A., Kagitani, M., Taguchi, M., Kikuchi, M., Kameda, S., and Nakamura, M. (2010), First sequential images of the plasmasphere from the meridian perspective observed by KAGUYA, Earth, Planets Space, 62, e9-e12.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., and Yoshikawa, I. (2010), A high-resolution imaging detector using five microchannel plates and a resistive anode encoder, Opt., 49, 17.
  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Ueno, M., Uemizu, K., Yamazaki, A. (2010), EUV observation from the Earth-orbiting satellite, EXCEED, Space Res., 45, 314-321.
  • Chassefière, E., Maria, J.-L., Goutail, J.-P., Quémerais, E., Leblanc, F., Okano, S., Yoshikawa, I., Korablev, O., Gnedykh, V., Naletto, G., Nicolosi, P., Pelizzo, M.-G., Correia, J.-J., Gallet, S., Hourtoule, C., Mine, P.-O., Montaron, C., Rouanet, N., Rigal, J.-B., Muramaki, G., Yoshioka, K., Kozlov, O., Kottsov, V., Moisseev, P., Semena, N., Bertaux, J.-L., Capria, M.-Th., Clarke, J., Cremonese, G., Delcourt, D., Doressoundiram, A., Erard, S., Gladstone, R., Grande, M., Hunten, D., Ipp, W., Izmodenov, V., Jambon, A., Johnson, R., Kallio, E., Killen, R., Lallement, R., Luhmann, J., Mendillo, M., Milillo, A., Palme, H., Potter, A., Sasaki, S., Slater, D., Sprague, A., Stern, A., and Yan, N. (2010), PHEBUS: A double ultraviolet spectrometer to observe Mercury’s exosphere, Space Sci., 58(1-2), 201-223.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Korablev, O., Kameda, S., Rees, D., Nozawa, H., Okano, S., Gnedykh, V., Kottsov, V., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Ezawa, F., Cremonese, G. (2010), The Mercury Sodium Atmospheric Spectral Imager for the MMO Spacecraft of Bepi-Colombo, Space Sci., 58(1-2), 224-237.
  • Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., and Yoshikawa, I. (2010), Optimization of the MCP Detector for the BepiColombo Mission, Transactions of the Japan society for aeronautical and space sciences, space technology Japan 7, Tk_57-Tk_60.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., and Yoshikawa, I. (2010), Development of the High-resolution FUV detector for the BepiColombo Mission, Transactions of the Japan society for aeronautical and space sciences, space technology Japan 7, Pk_1-Pk_6.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Murakami, G., Ezawa, F., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., Miyake, W., Taguchi, M., Kikuchi, M., Nakamura, M., Sakanoi, T., and Okano, T. (2010), Observation of the Near-Earth Plasmas by Telescope of Extreme Ultraviolet (TEX) Onboard SELENE: Science from the Moon, Transactions of the Japan society for aeronautical and space sciences, space technology Japan 7, Tk_27-Tk_32.


  • Taguchi, M., Sakanoi, T., Okano, S., Kagitani, M., Kikuchi, M., Ejiri, M., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., Miyake, W., Nakamura, M., and Shiokawa, K. (2009), The Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Imager / the Telescope of Visible Light (UPI/TVIS) onboard the Kaguya Spacecraft, Earth, Planets Space, 61(12), xvii-xxiii.
  • Kagitani, M., Taguchi, M., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., Ezawa, F., Toyota, T., and Okano, S. (2009), First optical observation of the Moon’s sodium exosphere from the lunar orbiter SELENE (Kaguya), Earth, Planets Space, 61, 1025-1029.


  • Yoshikawa, I., Murakami, G., Ezawa, F., Yoshioka, K., Obana, Y., Taguchi, M., Yamazaki, A., Kameda, S., Nakamura, M., Kikuchi, M., Kagitani, M., Okano, S., Shiokawa, K., and Miyake, W. (2008), Telescope of Extreme Ultraviolet boarded on KAGUYA: Science from the Moon, Geosci., 19, 109-121.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Ono, J., Yoshioka, K., Murakami, G., Ezawa, F., Toyota, T., Kameda, S., and Ueno, S. (2008), Observation of Mercury’s sodium exosphere during the transit on November 9, 2006, Space Sci., 56, 1676-1680.
  • Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Kameda, S., Ezawa, F., Toyota, T., Miyake, W., Taguchi, M., Kikuchi, M., Sakanoi, T., and Okano, S. (2008), Telescope of extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard SELENE: science from the Moon, Earth, Planets Space, 60, 407–416.
  • Yoshioka, K., Hikosaka, K., Murakami, G., Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Nozawa, H. (2008), Development of the EUV detector for the BepiColombo mission, Space Res., 41/9, 1392-1396.
  • Yoshioka, K., Hikosaka, K., Kameda, S., Nozawa, H., Yamazaki, A., Yoshikawa, I. (2008), Mercury sodium atmosphere explored by the BepiColombo mission, Space Res., 41/9, 1386-1391.
  • 村上豪, 江沢福紘, 吉岡和夫, 豊田丈典, 吉川一朗, 山崎敦, BepiColombo水星探査計画に向けた遠紫外光検出器の位置分解能向上に関する研究, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-07-017, 1-8, 2008.


  • Yoshikawa, I., Kameda, S., Matsuura, K., Hikosaka, K., Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K., Nozawa, H., Rees, D., Okano, S., Misawa, H., Yamazaki, A., Korablev, O. (2007), Observation of Mercury’s sodium exosphere by MSASI in the BepiColombo mission, Space Sci., 55, 1622-1633.
  • Tanaka, Y. T., Yoshikawa, I., Yoshioka, K., Terawasa, T., Saito, Y., and Mukai, T. (2007), Gamma-ray detection efficiency of the microchannel plate installed as an ion detector in the low energy particle instrument onboard the GEOTAIL satellite, Sci. Instrum., 78, 034501-1-034501-4.
  • 村上豪, 吉岡和夫, 山崎敦, 吉川一朗, 笠羽康正, 超高層大気撮像観測小型衛星(IMAP)搭載に向けたMg/SiC多層膜反射鏡の開発, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-06-019, 1-8, 2007.


  • 吉岡和夫, 彦坂健太郎, 村上豪, 野澤宏大, 山崎敦, 吉川一朗, 笠羽康正, BepiColombo水星探査計画にむけた極端紫外光検出器(MCP)の量子効率向上に関する研究, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-05-022, 1-14, 2006.
  • 彦坂健太郎, 亀田真吾, 野澤宏大, 吉岡和夫, 山崎敦, 吉川一朗, 笠羽康正, 水星大気の生成メカニズムに関する研究 ~MMO搭載機器MSASIでの観測に向けて~, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告, JAXA-RR-05-021, 1-16, 2006.



  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、田口真、川原琢也、亀田真吾、吉川一朗、Development of D/H absorption cell and future applications for planetary science, 第19回惑星圏研究会集録, SPS2018_30, 2018.


  • Murakami, G., M. Kuwabara, Yoshioka, R. Hikida, F. Suzuki, and I. Yoshikawa, Ultraviolet detector with CMOS-coupled microchannel plates for future space missions, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id.99053G6, 2016, doi:10.1117/12.2232183.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, T. Kimura, I. Yoshikawa, K. Uji, F. Tsuchiya, and M. Kagitani, The Performance of the EUV spectroscope (EXCEED) Onboard the SPRINT-A Mission, 第14回惑星圏研究会集録, SPS2013_06, 2013.
  • Uji, K., I. Yoshikawa, G. Murakami, and Yoshioka, The EXCEED mission (Earth-orbiting EUV spectrometer for planets), Proceedings of the SPIE, 8859, 1-6, 2013.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, I. Yoshikawa, H. Ishii, K. Uji, F. Tsuchiya, and M. Kagitani, The EUV observation for the Jovian inner magnetosphere from the EXCEED, 第13回惑星圏研究会集録, 115-137, 2012.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, H. Ishii, K. Uji, I. Yoshikawa, M. Kagitani, F. Tsuchiya, A. Yamazaki, and K. Uemizu, EXCEED: an extreme ultraviolet spectrometer onboard SPRINT-A, Proceedings of the SPIE, 8443, doi:10.1117/12.927244, 2012.


  • Hiroaki, I., K. Sakai, T. Homma, I. Yoshikawa, Yoshioka, G. Murakami, M. Ueno, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, M. Kagitani, F. Tsuchiya, and N. Terada, An EUV spectrometer on earth-orbiting satellite for planetary science, Proceedings of the SPIE, 8145, 81450O-8145O-7, 2011.
  • Sakai, K., Yoshioka, G. Murakami, T. Homma and I. Yoshikawa, Measurement for the Quantum Efficiency of Microchannel Plates, UVSOR activity report 2010, 45, 2011.


  • Sakai, K., G. Murakami, G. Ogawa, T. Homma, I. Yoshikawa, Yoshioka, M. Ueno, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, M. Kagitani, F. Tsuchiya, and N. Terada, EUV spectroscopic imaging observations of the first mission of Japanese small scientific satellites series, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7802, 78020S-78020S-7, 2010.
  • Sakai, K., G. Murakami, G. Ogawa, T. Homma, I. Yoshikawa, Yoshioka, M. Ueno, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, M. Kagitani, F. Tsuchiya, and N. Terada, Earth-orbiting extreme ultraviolet spectroscopic imaging mission for planetary space science, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7732, 77322A-77322A-9, 2010.
  • 吉岡和夫, 吉川一朗, 土屋史紀, 他, 極端紫外分光器(EXCEED)の光学機器に関する開発現状, 宇宙科学シンポジウム集録, 2-25, 2010.
  • Murakami, G., G. Ogawa, Yoshioka, H. Watanabe, and I. Yoshikaw, Quantum Detection Efficiency of CsI-Coated Microchannel Plates Measured by Using Pure-Calibrated EUV Beam, UVSOR activity report 2009, 47, 2010.


  • Yoshioka, K., G, Murakami, G. Ogawa, I. Yoshikawa, M. Ueno, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, M. Kagitani, F. Tsuchiya, Planetary extreme ultraviolet spectrometer boarded on Japan’s small satellite, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7435, 74350X-1–74350X-8, 2009.
  • 吉岡和夫, 村上豪, 渡辺宏弥, 他, 小型衛星搭載に向けた極端紫外分光器の開発, 第10回惑星圏研究会集録, 171-174, 2009.
  • 吉田英人、寺澤敏夫、宮本英明、吉川一朗、吉岡和夫、矢口徳之、神山徹、阿部英二、鷹野敏明、臼居隆志、玉川正次、西島恭司、小谷一仁、吉田英理、堀井俊、超高層大気物理学のためのフィールドワーク実習の試み-流星の電波観測その3流星の3次元ベクトルを求めることに成功-、京都大学総合技術研究会報告集第II分冊、280-281, 2009.
  • Ogawa, G., Yoshioka, G. Murakami, and I. Yoshikawa, Measurement of Absolute Efficiency for Micro Channel Plates by Using Pure-Calibrated EUV Beam, UVSOR activity report 2008, 127, 2009.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, M. Ueno, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Uemizu, Development of an extreme ultraviolet spectroscope for exospheric dynamics (EXCEED) mission, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7077, 7077-1U-1-7077-1U-8, 2008.
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Toyota, G. Ogawa, A. Yamazaki, and I. Yoshikawa, Measurement of Absolute Efficiency for Micro Channel Plates by Using Pure-Calibrated EUV Beam, UVSOR activity report 2007, 55, 2008.


  • Toyota, T., G. Murakami, Yoshioka, and I. Yoshikawa, Performance of newly developed Mg/SiC multilayer mirrors, Proceedings of the SPIE, 6705, 67050V, 2007.
  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, K. Hikosaka, A. Yamazaki, and I. Yoshikawa, Measurement of absolute efficiency for micro channel plates by using pure-calibrated EUV beam, UVSOR activity report 2006, 47, 2007.


  • Murakami, G., Yoshioka, and I. Yoshikawa, Development of Mg/SiC multilayer mirrors, Proceedings of the SPIE, 6317, 631714-1-8, 2006.
  • 村上豪, 吉岡和夫, 山崎敦, 他, プラズマ圏撮像技術の向上 -小型衛星(MTI)搭載を目指して-, 第20回大気圏シンポジウム集録, 162-165, 2006.
  • 吉岡和夫, 彦坂健太郎, 村上豪, 他, BepiColombo水星探査計画における観測装置の開発, 第7回惑星圏研究会集録, 9-12, 2006.


  • 吉岡和夫, 彦坂健太郎, 吉川一朗, 他, 惑星大気紫外光観測に用いる検出器の開発, 第27回太陽系科学シンポジウム集録, 1–4, 2005.






  • Yoshioka, K., F., Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Kimura, G. Murakami, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, R. Hikida, and M., Fujimoto, Plasma and energy transport in Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere as deduced from Hisaki observation, MOP meeting 2018, Boulder, July 2018.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Kimura, and I. Yoshikawa, The Extreme Ultraviolet spectrometer on board the Hisaki satellite, AGU Fall meeting 2017, New Orleans, December, 2017 (Invited).
  • Yoshioka, K., Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Kimura, G. Murakami, F. Suzuki, R. Hikida, A. Yamazaki, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Plasma dynamics around Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere deduced by EUV spectra of the Io plasma torus, MOP meeting 2017, Uppsala, June, 2017 (Invited).


  • Yoshioka, K., F. Tsuchiya, T. Kimura, M. Kagitani, G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Dynamic Response of Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere to Io’s volcanic activity seen by Hisaki, AGU Fall meeting 2016, San-Francisco, December, 2016.
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, H. Kita, T. Kimura, C. Tao, F. Tsuchiya, A. Yamazaki, Y. Kasaba, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Current results of Jupiter observation by EXCEED onboard Hisaki spacecraft, The AOGS 2016 13th Annual General Meeting, Beijing, August, 2016 (Invited).


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Kimura, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Sakanoi, Y. Kasaba, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Remote observation of Jupiter’s magnetosphere by EXCEED on Hisaki, The European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, September, 2015 (Invited).
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Kimura, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Sakanoi, Y. Kasaba, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Plasma dynamics in the Jovian inner magnetosphere, Observation from the EUV Spectroscope, EXCEED on Hisaki, The AOGS 2015 12th Annual General Meeting, Singapore, August, 2015.
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, T. Kimura, M. Kagitani, C. Tao, Y. Kasaba, T. Sakanoi, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Radial transport of electrons in Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere observed by EXCEED on Hisaki, MOP meeting 2015, Georgia, Atlanta, June, 2015.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Kimura1, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, T. Sakanoi, Y. Kasaba, I. Yoshikawa, and M. Fujimoto, Observation of the Io plasma torus using EXCEED on board Hisaki, AGU Fall meeting 2014, San-Francisco, December, 2014 (Invited).
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Kimura, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, M. Kagitani, and I. Yoshikawa, The dynamics of the Jovian inner magnetosphere seen from the EXCEED on HISAKI, The AOGS 2014 11th Annual General Meeting, Sapporo, July, 2014.


  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, F. Tsuchiya, and EXCEED team, The Earth-orbiting EUV spectroscope (EXCEED) on board the SPRINT-A (HISAKI), 45th DPS annual meeting, Denver, October 2013.


  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, et al. The EUV spectroscopic observation of the planetary emissions by the Earth-orbiting satellite, EXCEED, The AOGS 2012 10th Annual General Meeting, Singapore, August 2012.
  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, and EXCEED team, The EXCEED mission –An Earth-orbiting spectrometer in EUV-, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysor, India, 2012.


  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, G. Murakami, et al., Performance of the EUV detector of PHEBUS for the BepiColombo mission, 38th COSPER Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, July, 2010.


  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, Go, Murakami, et al., EUV observation of the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter from the earth-orbiting satellite, IAGA 11th Scientific assembly, Sopron, Hungary, August, 2009
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, I. Yoshikawa, et al., EUV observation of the planets from the Earth-orbiting satellite, The AOGS 2009 6th Annual General Meeting, Singapore, August, 2009.


  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, F, Tsuchiya, et al., EUV observations from a small satellite, 37th COSPER Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July, 2008.
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, and I. Yoshikawa, Optimization of the MCP Detector for the BepiColombo Mission, 26th ISTS, Hamamatsu, June, 2008.
  • Yoshioka, K., G. Murakami, T. Toyota, et al., Development of the EUV imager onboard the ISS, EGU General Assembly, Wien, Austria, April, 2008.


  • Yoshioka, K., K. Hikosaka, G. Murakami, et al., Development of the EUV detector for BepiColombo mission, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July, 2006.


  • Yoshioka, K., I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, et al., Development of VUV Detector For BepiColombo Mission, AGU Fall Meeting, San. Francisco, USA, December, 2005.






  • 吉岡和夫、杉田精司、吉川一朗、田口真、川原琢也、桑原正輝、疋田伶奈、超小型探査機と光学観測、第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会、久留米、2018年10月
  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、疋田伶奈、吉川一朗、EUV imaging for Earth’s plasmasphere by nano-spacecraft named EQUULEUS、日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会、幕張、2018年05月
  • 吉岡和夫、吉川一朗、村上豪、山崎敦、藤本正樹、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、木村智樹、飛翔体による遠隔観測技術を用いた惑星磁気圏の研究, 日本物理学会第73回年次大会、東京理科大学野田キャンパス、2018年3月 (招待講演
  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、田口真、川原琢也、亀田真吾、吉川一朗、D/H吸収セルの開発と惑星科学への貢献, 第19回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2018年2月 (招待講演
  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、疋田伶奈、吉川一朗、船瀬龍、超小型探査機(EQUULEUS)を用いた地球プラズマ圏の撮像観測、宇宙科学シンポジウム、宇宙科学研究所、2018年01月
  • 吉岡和夫、土屋史紀、木村智樹、鍵谷将人、村上豪、山崎敦、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、「ひさき」の観測で捉えた木星磁気圏と衛星イオの関係、宇宙科学シンポジウム、宇宙科学研究所、2018年01月


  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、吉川一朗、今村剛、 田口真、亀田真吾、船瀬龍、小泉宏之、鈴木宏二郎、笠原慧、杉田精司、超小型探査機による光学観測手法の惑星科学への応用、日本惑星科学会秋季講演会、大阪、2017年09月
  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、村上豪、吉川一朗、EUV imaging for Earth’s plasmasphere from Earth-Moon L2 point by nano-spacecraft named EQUULEUS、日本地球惑星科学連合2017年大会、幕張、2017年05月
  • 吉岡和夫、ひさきサイエンスチーム、ひさき衛星によって分かった惑星磁気圏プラズマの振る舞い、重イオン研究会、大阪電気通信大学、2017年03月 (招待講演


  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、疋田伶奈、鈴木文晴、村上豪、吉川一朗、Imaging observation for the Earth’s plasmasphere from Lunar orbit by nano-spacecraft、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、九州大学伊都キャンパス、2016年11月
  • 吉岡和夫、土屋史紀、木村智樹、鍵谷将人、村上豪、山崎敦、桑原正輝、疋田伶奈、鈴木文晴、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、The plasma dynamics of the Io plasma torus observed by the Hisaki、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、九州大学伊都キャンパス、2016年11月
  • 吉岡和夫、桑原正輝、村上豪、吉川一朗、鈴木文晴、疋田伶奈、2次元極端紫外光検出器の感度向上と安定化、日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会、幕張、2016年05月
  • 吉岡和夫、土屋史紀、木村智樹、村上豪、鍵谷将人、吉川一朗、山崎敦、笠羽康正、藤本正樹、Radial distribution of sulfur and oxygen ions in the Io plasma torus observed by Hisaki、日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会、幕張、2016年05月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、木村智樹、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、山崎敦、吉川一朗、笠羽康正、Ion and electron distribution in the Io plasma torus deduced from the remote observation by Hisaki, 第17回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2016年2月
  • 吉岡和夫、ひさきサイエンスチーム、「ひさき」の観測から求める木星内部磁気圏における硫黄・酸素イオンの空間分布、重イオン研究会、名古屋大学、2016年01月 (招待講演


  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、木村智樹、山崎敦、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、Variation of plasma parameters of Io torus observed by Hisaki/EXCEED、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、東京大学本郷キャンパス、2015年11月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、木村智樹、山崎敦、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、坂野井健、笠羽康正、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、EUV observation for Jovian inner magnetosphere、日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会、幕張、2015年05月
  • 吉岡和夫、and ひさきサイエンスチーム、ひさき衛星による極端紫外分光観測で見る木星の内部磁気圏、内部磁気圏研究集会、名古屋大学、2015年03月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、木村智樹、吉川一朗、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、坂野井健、笠羽康正、藤本正樹、Inward electron transport in Jovian inner magnetosphere observed by EXCEED on Hisaki, 第16回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2015年2月 (招待講演
  • 吉岡和夫、and ひさきサイエンスチーム、「ひさき」による木星内部磁気圏の極端紫外光観測、重イオン研究会、名古屋大学、2015年01月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、木村智樹、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、坂野井健、上水和則、笠羽康正、坂野井健、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、「ひさき」による木星内部磁気圏の極端紫外光観測、宇宙科学シンポジウム、宇宙科学研究所、2015年01月


  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、木村智樹、山崎敦、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、笠羽康正、坂野井健、吉川一朗、藤本正樹、「ひさき」搭載の極端紫外分光観測機(EXCEED)による木星内部磁気圏プラズマに関する研究、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、松本キッセイホール、2014年10月 (招待講演
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、木村智樹、山崎敦、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、吉川一朗、 EXCEEDから見た木星内部磁気圏のプラズマダイナミクス, 日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会、パシフィコ横浜、2014年5月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、木村智樹、吉川一朗、宇治健太郎、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、坂野井健、寺田直樹、上水和則、The dynamics of the Io plasma torus seen from the EXCEED on HISAKI, 第15回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2014年2月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、木村智樹、吉川一朗、宇治健太郎、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、坂野井健、寺田直樹、上水和則、 ひさき搭載の極端紫外分光器の機能評価、宇宙科学シンポジウム、2014年1月


  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、吉川一朗、土屋史紀、鍵谷将人、木村智樹、 The Current status of EUV spectroscope, EXCEED on board the SPRINT-A, 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会, 幕張, 2013年5月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、上水和則、木村智樹、吉川一朗、宇治賢太郎、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、 The Performance of the EUV Spectroscope (EXCEED) Onboard the SPRINT-A Mission, 第14回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2013年2月


  • 吉岡和夫、EXCEEDミッションチーム、EUV spectroscopic observation for Io plasma torus, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、札幌、2012年10月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、山崎敦、上水和則、吉川一朗、石井宏明、宇治賢太郎、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、 EUV observation for the Jovian inner magnetosphere from the EXCEED, 第13回惑星圏研究会、東北大学、2012年4月


  • 吉岡和夫、土屋紀史、鍵谷将人、吉川一朗、村上豪、 The feasibility study of the EUV spectroscopic observation for the Io plasma torus from the Earth-orbiting satellite, EXCEED、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、神戸、2011年11月
  • 吉岡和夫、鍵谷将人、土屋紀史、笠羽康正、山崎敦、上野宗孝、上水和典、吉川一朗、村上豪、 Cassini/UVISのデータを用いたイオトーラスプラズマのスペクトル診断及びSPRINT-A/EXCEEDへの応用、宇宙科学シンポジウム、宇宙科学研究本部、2011年1月


  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、吉川一朗、他、 Cassini探査機搭載の極端紫外分光器を用いたイオトーラスの観測、 日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会、 幕張、 2010年5月
  • 吉岡和夫、吉川一朗、村上豪、他、 EUV spectroscopic observation of Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere、 第11回惑星圏研究会、 東北大学、 2010年3月
  • 吉岡和夫、吉川一朗、土屋史紀、他、 極端紫外分光器(EXCEED)の光学機器に関する開発現状、 宇宙科学シンポジウム、 宇宙科学研究本部、 2010年1月


  • 吉岡和夫、吉川一朗、土屋史紀、他、 EUV spectroscopic observation of Jupiter’s inner magnetosphere from the Earth-orbiting satellite、 磁気圏シンポジウム、 宇宙科学研究本部、 2009年11月
  • 吉岡和夫、鍵谷将人、土屋史紀、他、 極端紫外分光によるイオプラズマトーラスの観測、 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、 金沢、 2009年9月
  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、渡辺宏弥、他、 小型衛星搭載に向けた極端紫外分光器の開発、 第10回惑星圏研究会、 東北大学、 2009年3月


  • 吉岡和夫、村上豪、斉藤昭則、他、 宇宙ステーション搭載の極端紫外撮像装置の開発、 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、 仙台、 2008年10月
  • 吉岡和夫、豊田丈典、村上豪、他、 TOPS衛星搭載の極端紫外分光器による惑星大気の観測、 日本地球惑星科学連合2006年大会、 幕張、 2008年5月


  • 吉岡和夫、彦坂健太郎、村上豪、他、 BepiColombo水星探査計画における紫外線分光観測装置の開発、 日本地球惑星科学連合2006年大会、 幕張、 2006年5月
  • 吉岡和夫、彦坂健太郎、村上豪、他、 BepiColombo水星探査計画における紫外線分光観測装置の開発、 惑星電磁圏・大気圏研究会、 東北大学、 2006年3月


  • 吉岡和夫、彦坂健太郎、吉川一朗、他、 惑星大気紫外光観測に用いる検出器の開発、 第27回太陽系科学シンポジウム、 宇宙科学研究本部、 2005年12月
  • 吉岡和夫、吉川一朗、村地哲徳、他、 惑星大気光観測に用いる検出器の開発、 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会秋学会、 京都大学、 2005年9月
  • 吉岡和夫、彦坂健太郎、寺沢敏夫、 他、 星間塵の電波観測、 国立天文台・第二回始原天体研究会、 2005年1月


  • 吉岡和夫、彦坂健太郎、寺沢敏夫、他、 流星電波エコーの多点高精度時刻観測の試み、 名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所・超高層発光現象に関する研究集会、 2004年12月



  • 地球電磁気・惑星圏学会第126回講演会学生発表賞(オーロラメダル)(2009年9月)
  • 平成21年度 東京大学理学系研究科研究奨励賞(博士)(2010年3月)


  • 公益財団法人宇宙科学振興会 第7回宇宙科学奨励賞(2015年3月)
  • 地球電磁気・惑星圏学会 大林奨励賞(2016年11月)